Analyze Your Data
Through the tasks above, we hope that you have had a clear idea of how to process the data in the method appropriate to your research objective. It is now time for you to analyze the data you have collected and marked at Stage 6.

Please write your Data Analysis in the space below.

After you have finished, you are advised to check the section against the following assessing criteria. Give yourself a check if you have fulfilled each of them. Otherwise, you need to look for the problem and revise the draft.

(Assessment Items)

(Assessment Criteria)




Data Analysis

1. 针对语料中原语与译语的差异(建议从语言、体裁、修辞或文化等角度比较),或同一原语的不同译语间的差异(建议从翻译的社会背景、目标、对象或译者的翻译倾向等角度比较),具体分析语言、文化或社会因素对翻译的影响。

The analysis illustrates the effects of linguistic, cultural or social variants on translation by comparing and contrasting the source language with the target language (from the linguistic, stylistic, rhetorical, cultural or other perspectives), or different translation version (in terms of the social background, translation purpose, target reader, translator’s approach to translation, etc.).

2. 与研究目标相关。

The analysis is related to the objective(s) of the research.

3. 以“文献综述”中引用的概念或理论为支持。

The analysis is supported by the concepts or theories quoted in the Rationale.
4. 分析充分详细,涵盖语料中的相关示例或相关示例代表,代表不少于3例。 The analysis is adequate and detailed, covering the relevant examples, or no less than 3 of their representatives.

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