Enrichment Reading 3 > Unit 6 > Vocabulary
PC   common abbreviation for “personal computer” 个人电脑
distinction n. difference, way of distinguishing two things 差别
brand-new adj. completely new 崭新的
expire v. to run out, to finish. “The policeman warned him that his driving license had expired, and told him to get a new one immediately.”
critical adj. difficult, important, crucial 关键性的,重大的
Apple Mac   a type of computer 苹果机
jumbo jet   a type of huge aircraft (能载300名以上乘客的)巨型喷气式飞机,珍宝机
earn a fortune   to earn a lot of money 挣了一大笔钱
quality control   process in manufacturing in which checks are made to ensure the quality of the goods or services produced are acceptable
cost a fortune   to cost a great deal, very expensive 花费巨大
bug n. a computer virus (disease) which damages computrs
beta n. Greek word for the letter “B”希腊语的第二个字母
website n. a place on the Internet where you can access information; there are hundreds of thousands of websites on the net -- some a good deal better and more reliable than others 网站
archive n. collection of old material 档案;大宗纪录
manual n. small book of instruction, telling you how to use something
bland adj. featureless; uninteresting 无特色的;枯燥无味的
urgently adv. from the adjective urgent; if something is urgent, it is very important indeed. 紧迫的,紧要的
shark-like adj. like a shark. In the text, this means that members of the public can easily become victims. 像鲨鱼似的
dummy n. someone who is stupid, or ignorant 本人,蠢货
respectively adv. in each case 各自地,分别地
rage n. a fit of anger (一阵)狂怒
portion n. a part of something. “I lost the last portion of the document.”
video n. a cassette containing a film. “Let’s hire a video this evening!”
diagrammatic adj. represented as a diagram. “I find ideas easier to follow if they are represented in diagrammatic form.” 图表的,图解的
icon n. a visual symbol; a picture representing an idea, frequently used in computer manuals. “To open the program, click on that icon!”
bomb n. 炸弹
link up to connect 连接,联系
hypertext n. a method formatting computer text so that documents are linked to each other 超文本
document n. In the field of computers it means a file: a piece of work you are working on. 文件,文档
train of thought   the thing you are thinking about 思路
presto int. an exclamation, meaning “As if by magic!” 说时迟,那时快
format v. to create text in such a way that a machine can treat it
general public   ordinary people. “This building is open to the general public every afternoon from two till five.” 公众
graphic adj. presented in a visual form 用图表示的
web-browser n. “To browse” means to wander through text, reading almost randomly; a web-browser is a tool for exploring the Internet.
catch on   to become popular 流行起来,受(人)欢迎
license fee   the sum you pay to have permission to use someone else’s property 执照税
earnings n. the money you earn or make 工资,收入
antisocial purpose    
morally polluting    
confuse v. to mix up. “She confused the entrance to the cinema with the exit.”
the foreseeable future   the future as far as one can see 可预见的未来
bundle v. to gather together, to include. “This program came bundled with my new computer.” 把...扎成一捆(或一包)
internal adj. inside; placed inside the computer casing (opposite external)
snail mail   A snail is a kind of small, soft animal, most of them with a spiral shell; snail-mail is so-called because it is very slow -- like a snail!
globe n. the world 地球,世界
cybercafe n. a cafe where you can also hire a computer by the hour or half-hour to produce a document, e-mail someone etc. 网吧
online adj. connected to the phone (opposite offline) 联机的,连线的
log on   to become connected to (opposite log off) 连接
download v. to load onto your machine’s hard drive from the Internet 下载
outgoing message   a letter you have written to send (opposite incoming message)
at your leisure   in your own time; whenever you want 在你空闲的时候;在方便的时候
motto n. saying adopted by a person or group as a “recipe for life”

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